I hate planning birthday parties
Blah for June. I love my kids, but thinking of planning pin the tail on the donkey games or buying balloons makes me crazy. I don't know why it bugs me so much, but I can just guarantee that I'll get a headache that day. So I thought I'd share my cake with you. Jonas just had to have a Spongebob party this year (thanks Party City commercial). He even picked out some gross grocery store cake with popping toys on top that I actually agreed to purchasing. When it came time to order it, but I'll admit, I was dragging my feet, they didn't have the stuff for the cake and it would take too long to order. So to the internet I went. I found a site here with all kinds of crazy cakes, but one that looked simple, and you know me-I'm all about simple, and Jonas approved. So we got some yellow cake mix (because SB is yellow inside), mixed up some frosting with the standard box of colors, and got some black tubes too, put it in piping bags, and followed some pictures we printed out from the internet. The best part? I got my husband to do it. I did the hard parts- making the frosting, washing out the piping bags and whatnot, but the artistic part (which I would have done terribly) I got dear husband to do.
Is this starting to be a blog about how to get out of being crafty? I've got to get my sewing machine out and get busy...